Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teaching Long and Short to Kids

Long and Short

this lens' photo
Long and short are preschool and kindergarten math concepts that children need to grasp in order to compare objects later. Here are some ideas to help a child learn the comparison words: long and short and how to apply these concepts to daily life. For kids who are struggling in trying to understand these concepts, books read frequently comparing long and short often help.

Photo by Cardivonius.

Comparing Length

Teaching a Child About Long and Short

1. Place two crayons of equal length horizontally on a table. Explain that the crayons are the same length.

2. Next, cut a straw into multiple length pieces. (One 3 inch pieces, two 4 inch piece, and one 5 inch piece works well.)Ensure at least 2 pieces are equal lengths.

3. Lay them out horizontally on the table. Ask the child to look at the straws. Ask the child if two pieces are the same length. See if the child can identify the straws that are the same length. If not, tell the child which are the same.

4. Remove the 3 inch straws from the table.

5. On two index cards, write the words "long," and "short." Place the index card labeled, "short" under the 3 inch straw. Place the card labeled long under the 5 inch straw. Point to the cards and read each to the child.

6. Ask the child to identify the "long" straw and "short" straw.

7. Repeat this with other objects around the house that are long and short, such as strings, people, and toys. If you feel the child can answer a question as to which object is "longer," or "shorter," then ask the child to identify that object. If the child is struggling, or you don't feel they are ready to answer the question. Keep pointing out long and short objects until they have a better grasp of the concept.

8. Read books about long and short to your child for reinforcement of the concept.

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